Saturday, April 20, 2013

That 'mean old eyed' teacher...

Driving through the residential streets of our town today, my son suddenly slid down in the seat, as far as he could go, and covered his head with his hands and arms. I asked him what he was doing and he told me to "Just keep driving, Mom, and tell me when she's past us!"
I looked up to discover that the vehicle I was meeting was being driven by my son's former teacher. A teacher, I might add, that I am currently in a sort of battle with over her professional negligence and the reason I now home school my child.
As she passed, she grinned & pointed her finger at me, while I replied to her in sign language!
I told my son that the witch had passed and he asked, "Are you sure?", as he cautiously removed his hands from his head and raised back up in the seat.
I was a uncomfortable with his reaction, but upon asking him to elaborate on his nervousness and fear, he only said, "She doesn't like me."
I asked him if it was because of me and he shook his head quickly, responding that she disliked him before I started disliking her.
I told him that had he told me this months before, I would have pulled him out of school a lot sooner. Then he said, "You would't have believed me. No one ever believes anything bad about her."
I said, "Yeah they do. But she scares people and very few people have the guts to stand up to her." 
And then he grinned at me. It was the cutest, sweetest, most blessed grin I've been blessed to see in a while, and he replied, "But my momma's got guts and she's not scared of her."
I almost teared up and said, "No, I am not scared of her. In fact, I think we need to drive around town until we find her so we can roll down the windows and call her names."
His eyes got real big, he shook his head and said, "Take me home first! I don't want that woman looking at me with them mean old eyes of her's."
I laughed. I laughed hard...
But later this evening, as I thought about it all, I can't help but wonder...What kind of teacher evokes that much fear into her students to the point that they do not feel that they can even confide in their parents? A fear that causes a child to melt into the floorboard of a vehicle when he sees her driving through town? 
This woman looked me in the face back in January and sweetly praised my son, told me how wonderful he was, how much he was improving and getting along with everyone in the classroom. She told me what a happy boy he had become...when in all actuality he had become withdrawn, sad, unhappy, depressed, angry and hopeless. Furthermore, his grades had declined in all subjects, one in particular to a single digit. Yet she told me to not worry about that single digit grade. She said it wasn't important!
Evil. That's the only word I can find to describe her. EVIL!
I'm glad I removed my child from her class. I regret not doing it sooner because I allowed him to have to be subject to her 'mean old eyes' on a daily basis!
The funniest thing? Her eyes really are beautiful...But then, so is snakeskin when it's on a pair of cowboy boots!!!

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