Thursday, May 5, 2011

Empty Houses...Analogy or Parable

I love houses.
Old houses, new houses, empty houses, occupied houses, beautiful houses, ordinary houses, even ugly houses.
I love walking through these houses, seeing the layouts of the rooms, the various architectural details from the complex to the simple bare essentials. They each have a story to tell or a story waiting to unfold, each beautiful in their own way.
I also enjoy, well, actually LOVE, looking at house plans. I even enjoy drawing them and have since I was about 12 years of age. With my pen I used words to construct a story where there was no story before and with my pencil I used lines to create houses, that in my mind, could one day be homes.
I would spend lazy summer days, rainy Saturdays and cold Sunday afternoons to create houses on paper, giving great detail to the placement of rooms and windows and doors. Looking back at those old drawings I smile at the impossibility of a few of those plans, while staring in shock at the absolute genius of others.
I never have been good at math or anything math related, therefore I never once seriously entertained a field in architecture. But I remain, all these years later, still loving houses.
These days I look at houses for sale via the internet, and I can spend hours upon hours viewing them. In the past few years, I've looked out of neccessity and true interest, but many times I look simply because I love houses.
I find myself drawn to the very modestly priced houses; not the six figure homes and above, which seems a bit wasteful considering I will never own one and wouldn't know how to furnish it if I did! No, my interest lies in those below the six figure mark because not only are they more within my reality, but also because they have better stories to tell!
Some are neglected. Some are abused. Some have been lost to a bank or mortgage company, I'm sure painfully. Others have remained while their owners have left this earth. Some were outgrown. Some were overgrown. Many just didn't get along with their residents. Others weren't in the right towns. A few were too expensive to keep due to age or condition.
But they are all beautiful...and most are empty.
Last night I decided to 'visit' an area I last visited almost twenty months ago. I'd considered it before we bought our current home, but decided against it at the last minute for reasons I'm not sure I understood then, but it turned out to be a fair decision all in all.
There were not a few houses for sale this time like there was twenty months ago. Instead, there are close to a thousand and the prices ranged from a couple at around a million, to nearly ten in the fifteen thousand dollar range, with over nine hundred in between! Some were occupied, but the majority were not. As I found my 'comfort' price, I begin seeing homes I had once thought impossible for me to own within my price range. And then I started seeing that most of these were in tiny little towns a few miles from the target city, and the more I looked, the more of these houses I found.
All were vacant...Beautiful, modest homes on pretty city lots, nice sized back yards, shade trees here and there...sitting unoccupied, unwanted, forgotten in cities that are dying.
I found myself crying...
In a nation where our homeless population continues to grow while our government and banking industries are hell-bent on greed and wasteful spending, it is utterly incomprehensible to me why thousands upon thousands of houses sit unoccupied -and hundreds of small towns are dying for lack of people and lack of viable resources. And yet, the United States government makes it a priority to fund nations that hate us and are waiting for the opportunity to not only stab us in the back, but take control of our resources AND eventually our nation as a whole.
And, WE, the American people, have allowed things to be as they are and unless something is done quickly and with the utmost haste, the nation as we know it now will only decline and eventually die.
Our bodies were created to be a home for the Almighty God. It says in scripture that our bodies are to be a temple of the Holy Ghost. Jesus stands at the door and knocks, and if we answer the door and invite Him into our 'house', He will reside there.
There are thousands upon thousands upon thousands of empty 'houses' in this world today. Some are old and worn out and in much need of repair. Some have been neglected, others have been abused. Some have been overlooked, others outgrown, others still, overgrown. A few are brand new, while others are very old, yet still in good condition. Some are fashionable, but many are outdated.
And every single one is beautiful in the eyes of God!
Every single one is Unique in it's build & personality, the lay out of its rooms, the stories it has to tell, the stories yet waiting to unfold.
Some need a lot of work, while others simply need a Resident that will love them and care for them.
Yet our denominational rules and regulations throughout the world today; our false teachers and false prophets; our 'feel good, name it claim it, greed based' ministers of callous hearts and money hungry minds; our increasingly apathetic selfish, selfserving self-righteousness and this ME based society we have allowed to saturate our world...Ignores these houses, overlooks their vacancies, turns their noses up at the imperfections and costs of restoring these once eye-appealing dwellings...And the Lord, Almighty is grieved, His heart heavy, His anger kindled.
When, Oh, When will God's People WAKE UP and OPEN THEIR EYES???
We have a Great Commission...To see that these HOUSES are READY when JESUS arrives to knock at their doors!
But we're not fullfilling our duties - and houses remain vacant, neglected, forgotten as the towns that surround them slowly die away for lack of residents, lack of viable resources.
And I find myself crying...

May the Spirit of God hit us quickly and hard so that we WILL awaken and set out to fulfill and accomplish that which His Word has commanded us to do! In Jesus Holy Name, I pray!


  1. That is a very, very good post, and very moving! And Amen! Wake up America, put on your armor and fight, we got work to do! Amen!
    BTW, I love
