Sunday, May 15, 2011

Some People...

Some people are just so childish and manipulative.
I can handle 'childish' because I am often a portrayor of that type of behavior; not to be proud of the fact, but to be honest of the flaw.
However, I do not understand, comprehend or like manipulative people. Manipulative people, in my opinion, aren't much different than Lucifer. They, like Lucifer, control others through psychological, if you will, games and deceptive practices. They will play on a person's heartstrings, find and touch (often cruelly) sensitive areas of a person's conscience, thereby gaining access to and control over the actions and feelings of that person...and for no other reason than CONTROL.
That control gives them power. Makes them feel superior. Allows them a feeling of self-righteousness with a holier-than-thou attitude.
And it angers me greatly when I see this behavior in a person...Especially one I've walked away from, turned my back on, 'un-friended', if you will.
Because I AM the better person, I apologize and take the entire blame. I want no more whining, no more guilt trips, no more 'Woe is me' song & dance, and will happily accept full responsiblity for things I'm not responsible for IF it'll bring peace & closure & shut the other person up!!!
So I say I'm the bad guy, say I did all the wrongs & the other person did all the rights, and go so far as to beg for forgiveness when in truth, I don't WANT that person's forgiveness...I just want that person to SHUT UP and LEAVE ME ALONE! But, I eat the meal of crow anyway, one black feather at a time, and when I've finally swallowed the last feather, chewed on the last bone, we both walk away happy.
The other person because 'she' made me BEG for her forgiveness, thinking she'd weakened me, proving in her mind that she was superior to me in both word and deed, and allowing her to initiate the 'cold shoulder' response as 'pay back'.
And, me...because now she's giving me the cold shoulder (YAY!!!) and no longer bombarding me with her whining and false humility.
Yet in the end, I can't help but think that perhaps I, too, played the detestable game of manipulation...

It is one thing to be lost in unfamiliar territory while wandering around in a wilderness. It is quiet another thing to be wandering around in a wilderness in a territory that is all too familiar...

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