Monday, March 12, 2012

Being Crazy...

Being crazy is a stressful way to live, yet for those of us who are crazy, stress-filled is the only way we know how to live. Take the stress away and we become bored, get into things and eventually create catastrophic events that lead to stress...and then we are in a familiar zone and we smile because the chaos is comfortable for us.
Crazy people live in and for the moment because we know that at any given time all our moments might be taken away as that last breath leaves us...And if we've not lived crazily and wildly, taking risks as we follow dreams from deep within our beings, then we fear that our eternities will be spent regretting the 'what ifs' and the 'might have beens'.
Crazy people follow their dreams...and just because the normal, sane people tell us we shouldn't do this or that, their words only serve to fertilize that dream, pushing us harder and causing us to realize that we are on the right track, even if it is deemed 'crazy'.
Crazy people are created out of adversity and pain, out of an inability to 'fit in' with the crowds or 'normal' people, out of self preservation and the need to survive in spite of the odds.
Crazy people learn to love themselves and they learn to accept themselves as they are, without any pretenses, without any bias. Often they are shunned, neglected, overlooked, ignored, made fun of and even bullied; and because of this they learn early that sometimes the only best friend they are ever going to have is the one who stares back at them from the mirror. 
Crazy people march to the beat of a drum that only fellow crazy people can hear and appreciate. They don't necessarily set out to blaze a trail for others to follow, but they do make that trail wide enough for anyone who might decide to venture down it after them. 
Crazy people appreciate life. We follow our dreams. We take risks and we do our best to live a life without regrets. We endure stress brought on by hardships and it serves to make us stronger, more determined, even more resilient. 
Yes, I am CRAZY and I do CRAZY things that make NO sense to others. But I live and I breath, I love and I pray. I have seen some wonderful things and I have experienced some amazing feelings, both good and bad. I've done things others have only talked about and been too cautious, maybe too scared to try...But as long as it makes sense to me, brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart... then I'll take crazy over sane ANY DAY!

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