Friday, October 4, 2013

My eldest child

I did not walk away from my eldest son. I did not 'get mad at him' and sever ties with him. That is an out and out LIE and anyone who claims it is a damned LIAR!
My eldest son and his wife hate me for keeping tabs on and eventually gaining custody of my eldest son's child, my first grandchild. They wanted me to forget him and abandon him as they did. They wanted me to leave him in an abusive situation as they did and they have said that I was 'crazy' and worse because I would not do as they did. 
But I could not do that and I did not. My original goal was to gain custody of my grandchild in order that my son and his new wife could take him and raise him as they should have done. But they refused and not only lied about me, but lied about this precious child. My husband and I were finally able to adopt this child because we loved him and he deserved a good, safe and loving home. He did not create himself and he did not deserve to be mistreated and abandoned as he had been.
But still, I tried to keep in touch with my eldest son. I called him, I went to see him, I did everything to keep the relationship going because...I love my eldest child. But he wouldn't return my phone calls and he wasn't particularly happy to see me if I arrived at his home. But still I tried, even after I heard the lies they were telling about me. I still tried.
But on Christmas morning of 2008 I called my eldest child to wish him and his family a Merry Christmas and I heard him tell his wife in the background, "I don't want to talk to her. Why doesn't she just leave me alone." When he did finally come to the phone, all he did was mumble and at that time I said, with a broken heart, "I love you. I always have and I always will. I want only the best for you and if you ever need me or want me in your life, you know where I'm at. But I will not bother you again because I know it upsets you. I love you." And that was it. Since that day, I have heard not a single word from he or his wife. 
I did NOT sever ties. Instead, I put that choice in his hands and he is the one who has left me...and his two siblings...and his first born child.  
And if you think that I take this mildly, you would be wrong. This breaks my heart over and over again. 
I would never sever ties with any child I gave birth to. NEVER! But I do respect their choices, even if it kills me inside because I am not a stalker and because I love them.

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