Friday, May 31, 2013

I wasn't depressed...until now!

I had originally planned on heading out of town and state today to go spend my 50th birthday with my husband. I was excited about it...I would be in a real town with shopping and dining, and could actually CELEBRATE the arrival of my 50th year on this earth!
But, the dog got bitten by a rattlesnake on Monday and until this coming Tuesday, I have to give her meds 2x a day. 
Well, I thought, 'Okay. I can just drive 120+ miles one way to Del Rio on Friday and spend the day doing a little shopping, get my hair trimmed, eat out, buy myself a birthday cake and then drive 120+ miles back home, and THAT would be sort of okay. Next Friday, (payday), I could head out to see my husband and spend a week, coming back home around the 15th.
But...yesterday...I received this little post card in the mail reminding me that on June 10th, Vacation Bible School begins...and it is the ONLY vacation bible school this town has, and my child dearly LOVES to go.
Well, CRAP!!! DOUBLE crap!!!
Not enough money to go to Del Rio today and still head out of town & state on Tuesday. It's either one or the other, but can not do both. Even if I could do both, my lower back has been hurting me since last night and I am driving NOWHERE far today.
Therefore, I will spend my 50th birthday sitting on my fat ass at home, probably right here at this computer, doing nothing but dipping snuff, drinking coffee and feeling sorry for myself. I will not even have a birthday cake, and that makes me saddest of all! I mean, I never get birthday gifts, but I ALWAYS have had a cake...Until now. 
But tomorrow is my 50th birthday and this is my freaking life! I can be silly if I damned well want to be and the whole world can just kiss my ass!
I just hope that maybe one of these 2 little bitty stores left has a cake mix & frosting...(The other 2 stores don't...I checked yesterday.) It won't make it better, but the bad won't be so bad...unless they don't have chocolate...If they don't have chocolate, then I will have no hope. No hope whatsoever of arising from the pits of depression...

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