What a crazy night Thursday was! What a scary morning Friday was!!!
I dreamed the entire time I slept. I believe I dreamt about everyone I know, and then some, and yet I can't recall exactly what the dream was about. Just that it exhausted me.
And then, I awoke choking and trying to get air. My wheezing was loud, sounded much like an ocean fog horn, and it scares the living hell out of me when this happens.
This hasn't happened since March, so my inhaler was not easily accessible, but it really wouldn't have mattered because there was no air coming in or getting out.
This feeling is REAL! It's FEAR, Panic, almost hysteria...until I can finally fight and struggle enough to get a tiny bit of air out, then slowly back in.
Because I am writing this almost 24 hours later, will prove that I did manage to overcome those blocked airways...But it ruined my day. Always does.
It drains me...one, from the intense fear of choking to death, and the other because it is so physically draining to my body.
I hate being vulnerable and I hate being helpless even more...
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