Saturday, December 3, 2011

Everything has it's place

I know that everything created by God has a purpose in this Garden we call Earth.
Maggots eat dead flesh & fecal matter which can contain deadly bacteria and they grow up to become adult flies, who lay more eggs and create more maggots. Spiders eat flies. Scorpions eat spiders. (I have NO idea what eats scorpions, but I'd like to have a few of them...maybe?) Not sure what benefit rats & mice have, but snakes eat rats & mice, and I think that's cool because I hate rats & mice more than I hate snakes...except for venomous snakes, and king snakes eat them. Badgers and hawks, ferrets and swine eat snakes. Then bigger, faster animals and fowl eat them. Mountain lions, wolves & coyotes eat whatever they can find and man kills them so the maggots can eat. Man also eats deer, rabbit, beef, swine, lamb, etc.
Then there are the plants and trees and grasses and roots. Some are edible, some are medicinal, some make us feel better than we do...those are usually illegal...Some are used for warmth, for covering, for tools, for storage. Others are used for coloring and scent, beauty and comfort.
Every animal & fowl, including man, has a special place in the garden. Some live better in the north, some in the south, still others in the east and others still in the west. Some are made for the desert, and others are made for the sea. Some are made for the plains, while others are made for the mountains. Some live exclusively in the dense forest. Some live exclusively in the swamps.
But everything God created has a place in this Garden. Everything.
There is even a place in the Garden for evil...For without evil, there would be no indicator of good. There would be no scale to measure and there would be no true balance in life.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Crazy Night, Scary Morning...

What a crazy night Thursday was! What a scary morning Friday was!!!
I dreamed the entire time I slept. I believe I dreamt about everyone I know, and then some, and yet I can't recall exactly what the dream was about. Just that it exhausted me.
And then, I awoke choking and trying to get air. My wheezing was loud, sounded much like an ocean fog horn, and it scares the living hell out of me when this happens.
This hasn't happened since March, so my inhaler was not easily accessible, but it really wouldn't have mattered because there was no air coming in or getting out.
This feeling is REAL! It's FEAR, Panic, almost hysteria...until I can finally fight and struggle enough to get a tiny bit of air out, then slowly back in.
Because I am writing this almost 24 hours later, will prove that I did manage to overcome those blocked airways...But it ruined my day. Always does.
It drains, from the intense fear of choking to death, and the other because it is so physically draining to my body.
I hate being vulnerable and I hate being helpless even more...